Review-MenaPay (Crypto made easier than cash)

Vision and mission of MenaPay
  MenaPay aims to become the most widely used cryptocurrency in the region
ORE. Focusing on 18 countries [1] and 441 million [2] of people, MenaPay has
the mission of becoming the largest non-bank payment solution through the use of
of blockchain technology, and generate important returns for investors. The
business model can be reviewed in detail in this document, you will see a new
standard in the cryptography industry by distributing 75% of total revenues
between the forks of MenaPay tokens.

The carriers of MenaPay toekns will be the core of a large community for
interrupt the traditional banking system in MENA, and they will create the system
most advanced financial that will cover the entire region with an Islamic structure
compatible, transparent and decentralized.

Nowadays, the instruments of the traditional financial system, such as banks,
Credit and debit cards and cash, suffer from lack of security and transactions
slow and inconvenient. These traditional financial institutions spend huge
amounts of money and resources to prevent fraud, but none of them has
success. Blockchain is the only way to solve all these problems that the

current banking and payment systems, until better technology is presented.

Solutions for Using Cryptocurrency as a Payment Method
Cryptocurrencies cannot be used in daily life transactions because of entrepreneurs.
their price fluctuations and cash-out concerns. MenaCash, which is
100% backed by USDs, will be used as the currency for transactions

under the MenaPay platform

1 MenaCash will always be equal to 1 USD and merchants will be
able to make cash-outs from the MenaPay foundation. MenaPay
also brings easy-to-use solutions such as desktop and mobile
wallets, integration APIs and SDKs, reporting and a management

dashboard for merchants, all with Arabic user interfaces.

Solutions to Real Life Problems
Regular banking tools are largely not used in the Middle East
and Africa Region due to the conservative practice of Islam and
the poor banking system. The region also has a very fragmented
structure with multiple currencies.

MenaPay brings a 100% Islamic, non-bank digital solution, using
blockchain to create a single currency to be used in everyday and

cross-border transactions

How MenaPay works?
We are creating a new standard in the crypto industry for the level of participatory returns, beyond the regular incentives for users and investors. 

- P2P Transactions
- P2M Peer to Merchant Payments
- M2F Merchant to Foundation

- Green Mining

Innovative Crypto System Solution
The stable cryptocurrency “MenaCash” will work via a private
blockchain solution to eliminate volatility and to assure transactions
faster than old-fashioned financial instruments, such as credit and
debit cards.
The tradeable MenaPay token will utilize ERC20 and will be used
to distribute the majority of the revenue and profit of the MenaPay
platform and will be available for crowd sale.
Generating revenue from the fees from P2P (peer to peer) and
P2M (peer to merchant) transactions and cash-out fees from M2F
(Merchant to Foundation).
Green Mining: Every MenaCash transaction between Peer to

Merchant may be awarded by a MenaPay token. 


The Menapay Merchant Dashboard Will help merchants understand and monitor the needs and
behavior of their customers. This will enable them to better serve their customer's needs, while
also better tracking their own sales information.

track sales & revenue
Send MenaCash to any user and receive MenaCashfrom them
Have fast and secure payment exprience on blockchain
Make payments with QR Code, e-mail or phone nuber

Secure their transaction with onlin KYC process

ICO Structure of MenaPay

400 Million MenaPay Tokens will be generated and 64% of the coins will belong to the community.

ICO and token information

The initial offer of the Menapay platform was very interesting. It is vast and focuses on a specific geographical location - Africa and the Middle East. The project aims to serve as a payment platform for more than 420 million people in 18 countries in this region. It is a totally non-bank digital compliance system.
With the MenaPay token, users will enjoy the following benefits:

Access to cellular wallets and desktops
Three quarters of the income will be shared between the owners of the Menapay card
A secure, transparent and affordable payment system across the country.
Facial identification and verification of secure transactions
The Menapay token will be ERC 20. It is with this token that the public will have access to the ICO sales as well as to the revenues of the Menapay platform. It will be based on the Ethereum network. All transactions on the system will be accessible to build trust between potential customers, users and sellers.
Distribute the token
64%: public employees
11%: counselor and partner
10%: founder and group
10% discount and bonus
5%: mining reserves
Token allocation
40%: marketing
30%: development and infrastructure
15%: operation and management
10%: business development
5%: legal
MenaPay is a potential project and more important than other payment gateways based on the blockchain. This helps the user to feel comfortable and especially those who use the Middle East and Africa can easily transfer money to other countries.


Road map

Founders & Advisors

Calling Financial Services companies in Audit, Escrow and Security. MenaPay offers opportunities for partnering in its development of crypto services and market development

For more information here :

ANN Thread:

Author :
Bitcointalk name : ayumichia

Bitcointalk profil :;u=1427084

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